Give Yourself Permission to Celebrate!
It’s often occurred to me that I don’t celebrate as much as should, and that might be the case with you.
Sure, we have our regular bank holidays and days off from work, but how often do we actually celebrate?
Our lives are full with marvelous celebration-worthy occasions:
Goals met
Relationships built and strengthened
Discoveries of all kinds
Dishes finally finished!
Yet, we seem to think only the big things are worth celebrating.
Not long ago, I had a brilliant conversation with my 15 year old where I expressed excitement that I had gained 25 followers on TikTok, and said I thought we should celebrate.
“For 25 followers? Pass.”
“How many followers would I need to have for you to have a TikTok party with me?” I asked.
“Maybe like a million.”
“That sounds pretty hard to reach. How about 100?” I countered.
“Lame, but fine. What would we do at a TikTok party anyway?” she asked.
“Probably eat cake.”
“We can have cake when you get 100 followers?!?”
“We can have cake because it’s Wednesday!”
Those of you reading this who are high achievers, who set lofty goals and are happy to celebrate when you’ve exceeded them; you who explain away the small bits of progress you make as “easy”, “no big deal”, or “anyone could do it” -
What if you owned every victory that came your way, even if you didn’t have to struggle for it?
What if you allowed yourself to celebrate your success?
To have cake when you reach a small mile marker?
To reward yourself for a job well done with a bubble bath, an extra lap around the neighborhood before you make dinner, time reading an embarrassingly fluffy work of fiction without apology?
How much better would life be if we celebrated more often?
Let’s celebrate our own successes, the successes of those we love, the successes we see in the world.
Let’s use those celebrations to give us the momentum we need to reach our next goal.
And to make life much more fun along the way!
Weekly Journal Prompts:
Use these prompts as written or as inspiration to uncover what you need in your life this week.
When was the last time you celebrated?
What was the occasion?
How did you celebrate?
When was the last time you celebrated an achievement?
What achievements could you (should you!) be celebrating?
What was the best, most meaningful celebration you had?
What made it special?
What goal can you set and how will you celebrate when you’ve reached it?
One Journaling Idea I Love:
Goal tracker. Use your journal to track your progress toward your goals. Habit trackers are great for building and strengthening habits - mark each day that you worked on your goal and see the progress on the page!
Combine this with a reflection, noting what specific progress you made, what made it possible for you to be successful, and what next steps you can take, and you have a formula for extreme growth!
Where You Can Find Me:
Next week’s my birthday and I’m definitely celebrating! Join me on Wednesday, May 18 at 8 pm Eastern for Amanda’s Happy Birthday Journaling Party! Bring your journal and your open mind and come journal with me!
I share journal related content on LinkedIn every day by 8 am Eastern. Visit me there for stories, journaling ideas, and more!
I have a website! Visit me at GoodThingsComeToThoseWhoJournal.com
I’m always reachable by email.
My teenagers are doing their best to avoid me on TikTok…
Need more journal prompts at your fingertips? I have a collection of more than 375 that I’ve curated that can be yours. Find them here.
Interested in Working with Me?
Need help designing a journaling routine that works for you? Looking for ways to freshen up your practice? Have questions about journaling and the role it can play for you? Want to bring a journaling workshop into your workplace? Please reach out! I love helping people just like you work magic in your lives through journaling!
Happy Journaling!