I like to think I’m a good juggler.
Not the kind you’re probably thinking - with balls and clubs and scarves.
(Though I once upon a time in high school spent some real time trying to learn
And got to the point where I could do three juggles before dropping a ball.)
No, I’m talking about the life juggling.
Being a self-proclaimed All-The-Things-Doer gives me lots of practice.
You may not know that in addition to my journaling work,
I hold down a 9-5.
(I’m a librarian working for a nonprofit that serves libraries
Through procurement and collaborative initiatives.)
I also have a part-time job working at a local library.
And I have a family who likes to see me, a house and garden to tend to,
And a slew of hobbies and friends and general other things I love to do.
Usually I can balance it all pretty well.
But sometimes…
Well, it can be a lot.
There is wisdom for me in knowing what balls I’m juggling
And which ones are the most important.
Some of the balls I juggle are rubber.
If I drop them, they’ll simply bounce, and be no worse for wear.
Some of the balls I juggle are plastic.
If I drop them, they might dent a bit, but otherwise they’ll be okay.
And some of the balls I juggle are glass.
If I drop them, they’ll shatter.
These are the most important balls to keep in the air.
It’s easy for me to get caught up in all the things
And forget that everything doesn’t carry the same importance.
It’s easy for me to think I have to do it all, do it well, and - when possible -
Have it done yesterday.
It’s easy for me to fool myself into thinking that I HAVE to be the one to do the things.
And that leads to overwhelm and martyrdom.
So one of the best things I can do is take a minute
And sort my balls by type:
The glass balls -
Being there for my husband and children
Meeting deadlines for that important project
Caring for my health and wellbeing
These are non-negotiables.
The plastic balls -
Making my special cookies for the school bake sale
Having dinner with a friend just for fun
Sending a nurture email to my email list
These are really nice do do. And if I can do them, awesome!
But they don’t necessarily have to be done right now. By me.
I can buy a treat for the bake sale.
I can reschedule with a friend if I’m overwhelmed. Or move to a phone call.
I can push off that email by a day or two or four.
And it will all be okay.
The rubber balls -
Cleaning my house
Doing the laundry
Grocery shopping (when I already keep SO much food in the house!)
These are things that can wait.
These are things I can get others to do for me.
These are things that don’t have to get done by me.
(Or maybe even get done at all.)
Sometimes everything can feel like a glass ball.
And when it does, it’s an invitation to frantic overwhelm.
Being wise enough to take a look at what’s on my list,
My energy levels, and my resources,
And make smart decisions on what I choose to juggle
Makes all the difference.
Journal Prompts
Use these prompts as written or as inspiration to uncover what you need in your life this week. And know that I’m always here to support you and answer questions you have along the way!
How well are you juggling all of the things in your life?
How are you feeling about all the juggling?
Are you finally ready to take a look at what’s really happening?
Which of your balls are glass, which are plastic, and which are rubber?
What can you set down for now?
Which balls can you delegate to someone else? To whom can you delegate?
What will it do for you if you juggle fewer balls less often?
How can you care for yourself if you must juggle?
How can you show yourself compassion and grace?
Journaling Fun and Support
My weekly livestream is back! Join me on Tuesdays at 8pm Eastern as I welcome a series of guests who do interesting, fun things that tie into journaling! This week, I welcome my friend Courtney Sharma to talk about Face Reading and Energy Clearing! Tune in on LinkedIn, YouTube, or Facebook (if you’re my mom!). No yoga mat required! Missed last week’s session on Laughter Yoga? Catch it HERE.
My friend Pippa Haywood and I are teaming up again on a Goddess Magic Circle Series. Discover and celebrate the goddess energy inside you through visualization and journaling in a beautiful community. This three-part series kicks off this Friday! Not only will you get the live sessions, but you’ll get a recording of the visualizations and additional journaling resources to work through at your own pace! Learn more and register HERE.
Been thinking about joining my Journaling Membership Program? Now’s the perfect time to join in! In February we’re focusing on relationships and connection. Using a blend of self-reflection and group journaling sessions, we’ll come to know ourselves and improve our relationships - with ourselves and others - a little more every day! Get the details HERE.
Have questions about journaling? Need some support, encouragement, or accountability? Email me!
Happy Journaling!
Beautiful. And your work for a nonprofit that serves libraries is admirable!
Such wise words, Amanda! Those three types of ball are a really clever way of looking at this stuff - thank you so much for explaining it in this way. 😊