My whole life I’ve felt behind.
Like I was falling short.
I’d set these big, audacious goals
With unrealistic timelines
That I didn’t bother to tell myself about
Until it was too late to meet them.
I thought the answer was speed.
If I could just move faster,
I could do more,
I could accomplish more,
I could BE more.
But all that has ever done for me is create anxiety.
I’ve been learning that the answer is to slow down.
To slow WAY down.
To remember that I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
And I am exactly WHEN I am supposed to be.
And I am exactly WHO I am supposed to be.
I am not late.
I am not behind.
I haven’t fallen short.
I haven’t let anyone down.
No one is timing me.
No one is grading me.
No one is rooting for me to fail.
In this place, I know the truth,
And it humbles and thrills me:
There is no one else in the world who’s just like me.
There’s no one else with my exact combination
Of gifts and talents, skills, and traits, education and experience
No one else can do what I can do
In the same way that I can.
And there are people who need exactly what I have to offer.
And there’s a difference I can make
In a way that only I can.
My journal reminds me of this.
As do all of those personality assessment tools that I love to take.
I’m working on something new -
A special adventure for super-curious DIYers
Who want to understand and celebrate
What makes them magical
So they can use it to truly make a difference
While living their best lives.
If you want to know more,
Email me!

P.S. Of course, the same goes for you.
YOU are exactly where you’re supposed to be.
You are exactly when you’re supposed to be.
You are exactly how you’re supposed to be.
You are not late.
You are not behind.
You haven’t fallen short.
You haven’t let anyone down.
No one is timing you.
No one is grading you.
No one is rooting for you to fail.
There is no one else in the world who’s just like you.
There’s no one else with your exact combination
Of gifts and talents, skills, and traits, education and experience
No one else can do what you can do
In the same way that you can.
And there are people who need exactly what you have to offer.
And there’s a difference you can make
In a way that only you can.
Your journal can remind you of all this.
And if you want some help knowing HOW,
I’m just an email away. 💛
3 Simple Ways to Jumpstart Your Journaling - Wednesday, August 7, 7pm Eastern
New to journaling? Fallen off the journaling wagon? Looking for ways to really make journaling work for you?
Join me for my signature workshop, 3 Simple Ways to Jumpstart Your Journaling.
We'll review the benefits of journaling, then get hands-on practice with three different techniques. You'll leave with an understanding of how to use these techniques as building blocks to create a journaling practice you love.
Register for your seat in this free workshop.
Card of the Week
This week’s card comes from the believe in your own magic oracle deck by Amanda Lovelace.
It’s all too easy to get caught up in life, to get caught up in distractions and loose touch with ourselves. But there’s nothing like the feeling of coming home. Of feeling like we’re exactly where we belong, especially within ourselves. What can you do today to help you come home to yourself?
This Week’s Journal Prompts:
Use these prompts as written or as inspiration to uncover what you need in your life this week. And know that I’m always here to support you and answer questions you have along the way!
Have you ever had the fear that you were behind?
What do you do when it happens?
How do you assure yourself that you’re exactly where you need to be?
What other limiting beliefs get in your way?
How do you overcome them?
Happy Journaling!
These reminders are very timely. I've had some hiccups in my schedule for this week, and while I'm doing my best to work around them, they are zapping my energy. So thank you for the reminders!
Beautiful reminders