I’ve recently started basket weaving classes.
Counting the basket I made in second grade (which my teacher swears counts), I have now made five baskets.
This berry basket (below) is my current favorite and makes me so happy every time I look at it.

This basket looks deceptively simple.
But to make it, I had to learn to learn new skills, including tapering the stakes so I could shape the sides of the basket.
At one point, I got frustrated because my basket wasn’t looking the way it was supposed to.
My mistake was obvious: I hadn’t tapered the stakes enough to weave properly.
There were two options: keep working, knowing my basket wouldn’t look the way it was supposed to, or take out some rows and correct the problem.
I chose to take out the rows.
It was a good choice, and it resulted in this beautiful basket that makes me smile every time I look at it.
It’s all too easy in life to gloss over our mistakes.
To make an adjustment here, to overcompensate there, but if we’re not careful, we can end up creating a life that’s so different from the one we intended to live.
Journaling can help us so much here, providing a place and a space to really look at our lives, to identify what’s going well, where we need to make adjustments so we can get back on track.
It’s a way to gain perspective, to track our progress, to celebrate our successes, to learn from our shortcomings.
But journaling only works if we’re being honest with ourselves. If we’re willing to do the hard work of identifying what’s amiss and fixing it, even when it’s inconvenient.
It may not be comfortable. And it may not be fun.
But it will always be worth it in the long run.
Someone asked me recently why I write this letter each week.
The answer is simple. I want to encourage you to journal.
I’ve had people tell me that simply seeing my name in their inbox reminds them that journaling is a thing. And that’s enough to prompt them to pick up their pen.
I love getting to demystify journaling, helping you see how simple and accessible it can be, and how you can create a journaling practice that feels authentic and true to who you are now while helping you become the person you want to be.
I truly believe the world gets to be a better place with each person who starts journaling. That journaling —> self-awareness —> self-confidence —> self-love.
And from a place of self-love, we can live more meaningful and joyful lives.
If you think your journaling could use a little help, if you want a partner in finding the best way for you to journal that will help you journal your way back home to you, if you’re looking for some support and accountability so you can truly reap the benefits of journaling, let’s have a conversation!
This week’s journal prompts:
Use these prompts as written or as inspiration to uncover what you need in your life this week. And know that I’m always here to support you and answer questions you have along the way!
Which areas of your life are going really well?
How can you celebrate them?
Which areas of your life could use some improvement?
How can you address them with compassion and kindness?
Why is it important for you to find the balance between recognizing what is working and where adjustments are needed?
Happy Journaling!