I love how you've reframed your vegetable growing ideals to cater for more flowers in your life, Amanda - that's really beautiful.

I'm an all-or-nothing girl: I ALWAYS cook everything on a high heat until it all starts to stick, and then get cross trying to unstick it. I absolutely love that you inherited your way of cooking thanks to an unknown-to-you issue with your mum's stove - that too is beautiful!

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my uncle would always say "well. I've always done it that way" that would always drive me crazy

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Love these journal prompts Amanda...would I have your permission to use one or two of them in my next writing group? I host a few 30 minute write group on zoom every Friday and having a prompt to get us going seems to be very beneficial. Let me know. :) Thanks again for this post...I really liked this especially since I'm starting to figure out what I want to plant this year.

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