I appreciate your book titles - esp the one about having to plan out dinners for forever. And I agree - no thank you. 😃

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Right?!? It's my greatest fear these days! 😂

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My condolences for your loss Amanda. Grieving is a process to work through. Focusing on the positives and being grateful for connecting when you did can help. I lost my sister and my father not too long ago, CoV related crud. A Hospice article mentioned that grieving can take funny forms sometimes - maybe even building something. That struck home because I spent a lot of strenuous exercise building a concrete tile patio where he had a bird feeder. It felt a little compulsive so the article helped clarify that maybe it was a little compulsive and part of my grieving. I did a little ceremony, ritual, on New Year's Eve saying good bye to he and my sister by singing a song and sharing the moment with my other sister.

Feeling regret about lost time, misunderstandings, or whatever, needs to not be wallowed in. Better to be grateful that you did get to connect.

Peace be with you.

I think my book is more simply titled "Things I learned the hard way."

A helpful phrase from Charles Eisenstein's new video ~ Humiliation isn't a bad thing if you learn humility.

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Thank you for sharing this, Jennifer. I'm sorry to hear about your losses. I love how you allowed your grief to take the forms it did. Sending you all kinds of love and positive energy. 💛

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